
Prestige Interiors WA Flyers

Check out these Flyers we printed for the team at Prestige Interiors WA!

Flyers are a great way to let your local community know you are there…people don’t know you are there unless you tell them!
Flyers are a great way to let people know what you do, what you are offering and how they can work with you.

Here’s some ideas of ways you can use flyers
– Letterbox drops (Tip – we can deliver straight to your Flyer distributor of choice, so after you order with us you don’t need to think about it again).
– Ask your local coffee shop if you can leave some on the counter
– Pin one on your local IGA noticeboard
– Have them handy for people to grab when doing local markets or pop ups
– Make it personal and hand them out yourself at the local coffee shop, park, community event or wherever your customers are hanging out

Flyers can be ordered right here on our website!

Click here to get started.
